SlateShots 101

SlateShots are 6 to 7-second videos that attach to your headshot on Actors Access! They can give casting a good idea of what you look and sound like and if you fit the tone and style of the piece they’re casting. They can also tell them that you are not cray cray.

When done effectively, the SlateShot can be an important and powerful marketing tool.

You've heard otherwise? Let me share my insight.

We will cover:

  1. What is a SlateShot?

  2. When you need one.

  3. Why they’re controversial.

  4. How to execute in an authentic way.

I'll teach you what it means to:

  1. Be

  2. Breathe

  3. Button

Learn to COME ALIVE in a way that’s inviting and professional!

Rate: $125 an hour. Venmo is great. Amanda Brooke Lerner @amandalerner Thanks so much.

As soon as you book your session, you will receive the prep work and a copy of my presentation.